Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models

Published in Transactions on Machine Learning Research, 2022

Recommended citation: Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem, Brendan Leigh Ross, Jesse C. Cresswell, and Anthony L. Caterini. Diagnosing and Fixing Manifold Overfitting in Deep Generative Models. TMLR 2022

The manifold hypothesis states that observed data lies on a low-dimensional manifold embedded in high-dimensional ambient space. We investigate the pathologies of maximum-likelihood training in the presence of this dimensionality mismatch. We formally prove that degenerate optima are achieved wherein the manifold itself is learned but not the distribution on it, a phenomenon we call manifold overfitting. We propose a class of two-step procedures consisting of a dimensionality reduction step followed by maximum-likelihood density estimation, and prove that they recover the data-generating distribution in the nonparametric regime, thus avoiding manifold overfitting.

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